Meet Lamia Pierre | Dental Student, Howard University

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Lamia shared a bit about her experience with us and we couldn't wait for you all to hear! Keep reading to hear rom this amazing woman in STEM.

What do you love about your work/field?

  • For me if I had to describe what I love about my work/field i'd say, my why dentistry, is because at the core of personal and professional values is community. I think about the impact my work will have on humanity at large and I use that as a compass to navigate the work I choose to do and i believe dentistry is that work. 

What got you interested in your specific STEM field?

  • The easy answer to this is, that I had no choice my Haitian parents said I had 3 options, become a Doctor, Lawyer or Engineer. LOL, the more full circle explanation would be that my initial interest in STEM was non-existent, I couldn't stand math class or science class for that matter, but with age and more experience I soon came to the realization that science is already a part of everything we do and believe it or not I had much more exposure to science than one might think. Science is all around us. For example, when you make lemonade, you're mixing several ingredients together, creating a science experiment that we would call a homogeneous solution in scientific terms. In my new discovery of how beneficial science is to us individually and collectively I began to appreciate that science is not just about memorizing chemistry or physics formulas or even following other individuals' experimental procedures. It is also about you finding evidence to support your own theory, asking your own questions, developing your very own scientific process along the way, and discovering the unknown, and, ultimately, your very own answers. 

What advice would you give to young girls interested in STEM subjects?

  • My advice is simple. Keep failing because failing isn't failure, failing just means you're eliminating all the things that don't work and one step closer to the thing(s) that do work. Also remember that STEM isn't only for boys or the smartest students in the classroom STEM is for the avid failer, the rebel with a cause so fail on baby girl just don't quit, because it is you that will make HERstory.

Be sure to check out Lamia on Instagram | @so.lamia


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